How Orchestrate Boosts Fundraising

People are your greatest asset. 

Every year, your university bring hundreds of future leaders into their program. Over the next thirty years, they will progress from students to alumni to advocates. They will also become your institutions most significant donors.

Imagine being able to draw on each alumni’s experience during the alumni support process. You could better understand the life cycle of alumni and unlock the potential of their network.

In a survey by the Council for Aid to Education, only 8.4 percent of college graduates donate to their alma mater. That is down from 8.6% in 2014. Charitable donations to academic institutions, however, rose to a record high of 43.6 billion dollars.

The institution with the highest amount raised? Harvard at $1.28 billion.

However, less than 1% of all universities raise 28.7% of total giving to universities. Not every development department has the alumni, let alone the staffing of Harvard.

Implementing the best tools for your development team will maximize the ROI on fundraising budgets. These tools can help you capitalize on connections within your alumni and maintain a detailed student/alumni/donor database to boost your efforts for years to come. 

Orchestrate Facilitates Fundraising

Your institution needs a consistent database. Data must be successfully stored, accessed, and corrected by multiple departments throughout the alumni’s life. A lack of information accessibility can cause organizations to struggle.

We call this silo mentality. Like silos found on farms, your Admissions department and Development & Engagement department can’t cooperate while maintaining separate silos of information.

Fundraising Inside an Application Platform

During the application process, you, as the administrator, can communicate the need and opportunity to give. This can be as simple as sponsoring a student/attendee in need or informing parents of capital campaigns going on within the institution. Orchestrate offers the ability to create that within the application portal itself.

Where Orchestrate Comes In

Orchestrate equips your development teams by enabling databases to be spliced and filtered by any criteria; from interests to graduation date and everything in between. This translates to better decisions, stronger teams, and higher revenue.

Alumni Portals

Orchestrate creates secure and accessible portals for students and alumni to update their information. Alumni portals offer the ability to connect around mentorships, fundraising events, etc. This adds the ability to track and connect with a student from the initial application process through graduation and into life as an advocating alumnus.

Learn more about Orchestrate in the video below!

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