Privacy Policy
Orchestrate’s Commitment
Orchestrate takes your personal data seriously, taking both reasonable actions and necessary precautions to safeguard your information. This Privacy Policy is designed to keep customers and platform users aware of Orchestrates policies.
Effective Date
This update takes effect on January 4, 2021. If you continue to utilize Orchestrates services, you are agreeing to these policies. We reserve the right to amend the Privacy Policy at any time and the date of posting is the effective date.
Email Communication
Orchestrate sends marketing emails to customers and subscribers with details on new solutions and relevant topics. These emails are part of a voluntary relationship and users are provided a clear opt-out option they may select at any time. From time to time, Orchestrate does send emails with important service notices, changes in terms, or other critical updates. These transactional messages are a mandatory part of our Master Service Agreement and Software License and customers may not decline subscription to these.
Data Collection
As part of operating, Orchestrate collects, or may inadvertently collect, information from our visitors. This may include your IP address or information aggregated by cookies, log files, or tools such as Google Analytics. This information is used to enhance our services to customers and is never shared or sold to third-parties. This information is not used to personally identify you. Customers or users may request this information or ask that it be removed at any time.
Data Processing & Security
Orchestrate platforms are used by customers for websites, including online applications. Our customers own this data; it is not owned by Orchestrate. As stewards of this data, we take reasonable actions to protect your data and prevent it from being accessed or misused by any party. This information is stored in a secure environment in the United States. It is only accessible by authorized Orchestrate staff in order to provide services or support as requested. You may opt-out of this by canceling your Orchestrate account or service at any time. End-users that wish to view, update, or delete their information from an Orchestrate platform should log in or directly contact the program administrator. Orchestrate customers also determine how your data is used and set policies such as data retention. We encourage you to review their individual privacy policies for more information.
Contact Us
If you have questions about Orchestrate’s Privacy Policy or your data, please touch base with our security officer at

Orchestrate is the industry’s best online application management software. We help colleges, universities, businesses, non-profits, and associations streamline their application process and simplify their workflow.
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