How Orchestrate Boosts Fundraising
How Orchestrate Boosts Fundraising People are your greatest asset. Every year, your university bring hundreds of future leaders into their program. Over the next thirty years, they will progress from students to alumni to advocates. They will also become your...Another successful cycle with our partners at COSMOS
The University of California has just wrapped another successful round of accepting applications for its innovative COSMOS project.
Dynamic Learning Project Launches
As technology moves deeper into the classroom, the opportunities to increase the level of student engagement has emerged.
Customizing Review Processes
The goal of any application process is to find the most deserving applicant. How your organization goes about that, on the other hand, is likely completely different than any other organization.
Email Notifications & Reminder Programs
The ultimate goal in your communication with students is to have a high volume of qualified applicants. This means making sure that students complete the application, and do so with all necessary documents attached.
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